Colloque : « Technologies de la procréation et mondialisation. Dispositifs, savoirs, expériences en Afrique Subsaharienne. » Paris, Décembre 12-13, 2013
This symposium was organised by le Centre Population et Développement (CEPED, Université Descartes, Paris) in collaboration with other national and international research organisations. Among the presenters were anthropologists who perform field work on how patients meet with the new reproductive technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. On the other hand African lab workers and physicians reported on their experiences with setting up IVF clinics and the difficulties and the challenges encountered. The Walking Egg was invited to give the opening lecture on their work in making IVF more affordable and accessible. There were several collaborators of the Walking Egg among the presenters, including Carin Huyser from Pretoria and Viola Hörbst and Trudie Gerrits from the University of Amsterdam.